So this is what I'm excited about...toddler lunches haha! I've been trying to get creative and also pack her fun and fairly healthy things, mostly looking for more balanced meals.
Well as per usual I've seen a lot of cute pins on little lunches for toddlers so I have been working on some! Here are my creations with a lot more to come!
Carrots, grapes, turkey, cheese and a few mini golden Oreos!
Mini animal shaped grilled cheese sandwiches! Also in this lunch box included peaches, black berries and grapes!
Chicken salad mad with Greek yogurt, cracker thins, raspberries and some Ella's kitchen puffits for dessert!
I really like these containers they are called easy lunch boxes! I am also using silicone baking cups which are great, they are cute, add a pop of color and are reusable! Charlotte also loves the little animal forks, especially if you make the animal sounds! I cut carrots, cheese, sandwiches etc with adorable little cookie cutters!
I plan to be more creative and fun when in the future and as she gets older ill be able to get more and more creative! I'm looking for mini alphabet and number cutters if anyone has seen any out there!
For those of you keeping up with Charlotte she is doing GREAT! She is growing up beautifully! She is 16 months old now and although my heart breaks that I have to leave her and go to work I try to make the most of our time together!
She loves walking, running and climbing! Anytime she sees stairs she is excited and can go up them like a champ! Her vocabulary and communication is outstanding! She knows a lot more words now, hi, GG, dog, eyes, mama, bye are her most frequently used. Her sign language is coming a long great, she consistently signs more and finished and eat whenever she needs something, she can also sign please with some accuracy (mostly when she just really wants something haha) and she is working on thank you and help. She also knows how to sign cookie sadly hahah most days you'll see her walking around signing "more cookie" and when said cookie is not received she will sign "more cookie please" and when that doesn't work she signs help furiously haha she is SO SMART! She can also identify most body parts, ears, nose, eyes, mouth, feet, hands and belly button. She can find them on herself and other people and her dolls! She also still loves animals! She knows how to say cat, dog and zebra! At the zoo or when reding books or doing puzzles she can identify basic animals and loves when you make animal sounds and imitates them often! Her favorite is moooo and the noise I do for elephant haha!
You guys I have the smartest prettiest most awesome kid ever! I am so proud of her all the time. I hate to toot my own horn, but I am so thankful that I have somehow been given the strength to be one of the most amazing moms ever! Not everyone is lucky enough to be mom to such a great kid so I am an enjoying every minute of it and making the most of it!