Monday, June 3, 2013

Beach day!

What a weekend we had! It is starting to feel like summer here in Baltimore and I am loving it! Some people think it's too humid, but I think it is just a reason for a tan and water fun! 

This weekend was great! Charlotte had swim class on Saturday. She loves swim class, never cries & is starting to kick and paddle it's hilarious how uncoordinated she is but she tries so hard! Next Michael Phelps right here! We also went swimming at GGs in her blowup pool, I have a feeling we will be there a lot this summer!

Sunday was Charlottes first "beach" trip! I say beach in quotes because there was no ocean. Anyone that knows me knows how I feel about lakes and bats and things being considered a beach (and my hatred of land locked states!). It was nice nonetheless! 

Well this kid LOVED the sand and the surf! She could have stayed all day if it didn't start getting stormy out! She loved to dig in the sand and put it in one bucket and then another. She loved filling the bucket up with water and playing in that too, I gotta get this kid a water table! 

Her favorite was the water! She freaked out and cried when I made her get out of the water haha she wanted me to let her float on the small waves, giggling all the way! She is just too funny! Loving water is in her genes though! I was a water baby! My mom told me my first trip to the beach as soon as they sat me down I crawled all the way to the water! 

I think Charlotte and I will be spending a lot of time in the water this summer! 

In other news, she is so close to being one, it's crazy and with her two too teeth she looks like a little grown up! 

My side note is: have you ever tried to lather an 11 month old in sunscreen? It's a lot harder than it looks! 

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