Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ice Skating!

So in an effort to post more regularly here  I am! I'm hoping to at least post the BIG things. And today, I felt like it was a big day for my kiddo! 

Ever since seeing Frozen, she's been asking and begging to go ice skating.  Last winter she was 2.5 and I just didn't think she was ready, but I figured it would be worth a shot this year! Well, I did what any good, terrible ice skating mom would do, I reached out on social media for help from you guys! Luckily my friend Stephanie, or Neph, as Charlotte lovingly calls her, answered my call for help (luckily lots of others did as well, as I foresee a lot more ice skating in our future)! She happened to have her nieces/nephews in twin this weekend, so we planned an outing! 

I wanted outdoor skating so we hit up Glen Burnie ice rink. It was small, but not tiny. It was a little wet thanks to the glorious sun we had today. I felt their prices were reasonable, and, the young guy behind the counter was so sweet and let Charlotte skate for free and free skate rentals because it was her FIRST time, and she was just so excited and smiley! 

One of the good things about this place is they had tiny size skates, starting at toddler 7, which is her size! Another place I looked at started at size 9, how bummed out would we have been had we showed up and they didn't have her size?! We got the double blade skates, which was a huge help. 

She loved putting them, and walking to the rink in them. Charlotte is a very cautious young lady, she doesn't jump right into things, she watches and then does, and doesn't always go all in, so I was afraid she'd miss the experience. Also this was my first time in the ice in YEARS so I told her I wouldn't be able to skate with her at first, not until I got my bearings. I was afraid she'd throw one of her three anger tantrums about that, but she was happy to skate with Neph, until I was able to get situated. 

She took to it right away! At first only walking on the ice, but later was learning to glide :) they had little buckets the kids could push around and that worked well too. She even wiggled her hips to learn to go backwards. At Glen Burnie, you pay to skate for 2 hours, she last 1.5 hours which was wayyyy longer than I expected. 

After skating we walked next door to food lion and got some mini cupcakes TREAT YO SELF! 

Everyday I am amazed and proud of this kiddo. I know I say it in every post, but seriously, how amazingly lucky did I get in being her mommy? I love her more than the whole world and am extremely proud of her for sticking to something she really wanted to do, and proud of her for listening to instructions from those around her to do it well and learn how. We will definitely be skating again this winter :) 

And yes, I am "that mom" that made her kid wear a helmet. #sorryimnotsorry 

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