Friday, November 23, 2012

Charlotte's first Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving has come and gone! It ended too quickly for me, but was so happy that Charlotte had a good Thanksgiving. 
We had dinner at my house as usual and I think the turkey I made this year was my best yet! I love, they always make it easy for me to do everything.  I really enjoy hosting and cooking.  Being a good hostess is something I have always prided myself on. 
This Thanksgiving was the first in eight years where I did not have Adam.  It was hard because last Thanksgiving we announced our pregnancy and I thought this year would be our first as a family unit.  Obvi, that did not happen as planned.  But luckily it was still great and Charlotte got to enjoy time with both sides of her family.  It was different, but it was a happy day for my little one, and in the end that is all that matters. 
Thanksgiving at my house was even extra special this year because we had the privlege of having to amazing babies there! Charlotte's cousin Holden is amazing! It is so funny because I can barely remember those days.  How quickly I forgot what it was like to hold a brand new baby.  They are so soft and sweet and have that amazing new baby smell (don't judge my weirdness!) It was also exciting because it was their first family holiday.  It was crazy as usual, but they are going to have so much fun growing up together!

The babes (doesn't Holden look like a cute little old man?!)
After Thanksgiving I even got to go black Friday shopping at the outlets which was nice, all of my Christmas shopping is pretty much done! Lotte and I enjoyed our day together.  Lots of cuddling and we started putting up the Christmas decorations.  She loves to look at the tree, it's all shiny and sparkly, her favorite things haha. 
Tomorrow the holiday fun continues! Lotte is going to meet Santa for the first time! I am taking her to local Christmas festival thing to see Santa arrive in town.  And on Sunday She gets to go to the festival of trees with her cousin and GG.  Charlotte loves getting out and about, and I am thankful that I am able to take her to these things. She deserves the most amazing life and I try to do something fun with her every day, so that every day is special and fun. 
I hate that stupid saying "YOLO", but it is true. You really do only live once, so it is important to make the most of it and make every day special.  I know I say it all the time, but I really will treasure this time I have with Charlotte.  It is so much fun to watch her grow up and learn new things.  This Thanksgiving I had so much to be thankful for.  I have a roof over my head, a stable job, food in my stomach, family and friends who love me and the most amazing child in the world, many people are not as lucky as I am and my life is pretty fucking sweet. 

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