What has Charlotte been up to you ask? Well she is, as always, a busy baby! She is growing and changing everyday, don't blink because you might miss it!
It was a short work week which was nice! I had off Monday for Presidents' Day! On Monday we got some errands and laundry done and walked down to the park to see all of her baby friends.
Charlotte and I are so lucky to live in such a great neighborhood! I love all the fun things to do around the area, including the library we can walk to and the neighbors are great! It was been very awesome to have a group of other parents for me to be able to talk with and babies for Charlotte to socialize with! When she was Doug her very slow crawl that barely for her anywhere we went to a music program at the library, and one of her other baby friends was crawling like crazy, I saw lotte watching and the next day she took off!
The week went by quickly which was nice. Lotte has been sleeping a little better, I have gotten so many helpful advice and hints! I think the best tip is to start early in the night! Lotte is so active and hates sleeping, I think she just needs more wind down time. She still gets up between 3:30-4:30 every morning but Ill take what I can get. I find I can get through the days easier when I celebrate the small wins :)
I love being able to work and support myself and Charlotte, I am thankful that I have a professional license, skillet and a great education, I know that I will always be able to provide the essentials for my little one (and hopefully a little more), but I'll tell you something, I work for the weekends and evenings now. I can't wait until I get home and get to see this face and really cherish the time I get to spend with her.
We had so much fun this weekend! Friday I went out with my friends later in the evening. It was nice to be able to give her dinner, playtime, bath and put her to bed before I went out. While I was gone she basically slept, which is nice, I hate missing things, and feel guilty when I leave her.
Saturday we had a fun day! We enjoyed swim class and lunch out. GG and mom mom came to watch her swim and took us to Friendly's for lunch. As usual Charlotte did great! She loves the water and loves being out!
Today we went on a trip to ikea to buy some stuff for the playroom I'm working on! It was so fun, she loves being out and about. She is a very thoughtful baby and really spends time taking in her surroundings! She always enjoys eating out because I give her some of my food. She loves trying whatever the adults around her are eating! The best news is that I found an awesome storage bench I wanted in the "as is" section of ikea! It was the display model so it has some scratches but its for a play room and it was cheap and already assembled! Another small win for me to relish in.
Charlotte was battling a fever this afternoon though. Tylenol really helped her out, but she was so lethargic and did her really sad pathetic cry every time I put her down! It's a good thing she is tiny, my arms only minimally hurt hahah! She is resting now, and I hope it is an easy night and my sweet angel is feeling better tomorrow!
Charlotte has gotten great with her pincer grasp! She is a pro! She still loves to put things into baskets and boxes and take them out. Peekaboo is her favorite game and will crack up every time. The best is when I hide under a blanket, she is so smart she will lift the blanket up to find me! I know I've posted about this before, but why do baby's fingernails grow so fast!?!? It is so hard to cut them now by myself because she is so squirmy, but I'm getting good at it! She is a crawling maniac and will follow me around the house! She is getting into everything but I love to watch her explore. She can drink juice by herself out of a sippy cup and feed herself finger foods and snacks. She has grown so so much! I am lucky she is so happy and healthy, I pray everyday I am doing a good job and giving her the best life I can. I am more thankful and proud of my little girl than anyone will ever know. I am very thankful god answered my prayers and blessed me with Charlotte.