Saturday, June 15, 2013

Charlotte is one!

I started this post on June 15th... Finally finishing it!

It happened. My little girl has turned one. I really can't believe it. She has grown and changed so much in one year. I started this blog to talk about raising a newborn and share with everyone the joy, the struggles and all the love of this little girl. I will continue to keep this blog going, I love being able to read back over all of our adventures and seeing her grow. I guess now it will be about life with a toddler! 

I am overcome with so many emotions. I wanted to update yesterday on her actual birthday, but couldn't bring myself to do so. 

I'm such a proud mother. This first year has been so intense and didn't turn out at all how I planned when I was pregnant, and it went by so quickly. 

Those first months were the hardest. I never felt more alone in my life. There were hours and hours of sleepless nights. I don't think any book you read or anyone you talk to can really surmise the amount of work and time you have to put into a newborn. Those first months she needed me for everything; food, changing, comfort, rocking to sleep. All the things as a grown adult we talk for granted, the simplest most basic needs. 

It took everything inside of me not to break down, not to give up. Running on no sleep was insanely hard. When I got pregnant I thought it was going to be a full team effort, for the last eight years, I had thought I could do anything, because the love of my life was by my side, I always thought that with his support I could do anything fly as high as I wanted. Being on my own, with a newborn was harder than I ever imagined, at 3:00 am when nothing was working to g et her to sleep I had no one to turn to for emotional support. Like unsaid I felt alone, I spent a lot of time crying. 

I eventually told myself to shut the hell up, and reminded myself a lot of people out there have it a lot worse. When I stopped feeling sorry for myself and opened my eyes, I realized I had emotional support all over the place. I had old friends, new friends and family. 

Even though it was hard, I was able to meet those basic needs and more! Slowly but surely my tiny peanut began to not only grow, but to flourish. 

 I am one proud mama! When I think back to those sleepless nights it hardly seems real. It is hard for me to fathom that one person can grow and change so much in only one short year. 

Charlotte can feed herself and crawl around to get what she wants. She can communicate and understand the things I am saying. I am so proud of how far she has come. It is truly amazing how much she has grown and changed in only one year! Hey, and she has hair now for all those great bows she has. 

I am overcome with emotion. Not only am I proud, I am sad, scared, happy, excited, nervous, pretty much everything. 

I am scared and nervous about what the future holds. Have you ever watched the news? It's horrible. Watching the news after you have a kid, everything hits you closer. Every time, I am driving and see an accident on the side of the road I thank god that it wasn't me and pray that if it is me one day, Charlotte is not in the car. I don't think the feeling of worry will ever leave me until I leave this earth. It is amazing how much having a child can change you and your soul. Charlotte is now and will always be my number one priority. I will worry if she makes friends at pre school and if she will have fun at school and if she will like her classes and if she will make the team. 

Although I feel those worries, joy and pride are my number one emotions. Balancing the normal parent worries are so easy when you have a kiddo like Charlotte. She is such a joy to be around and is so loving. I know she will grow up to be an amazing woman, and I pray each night that she is happy; my greatest wish for her is happiness. 

I am sad that my little one is so grown up and won't be my little baby any longer. I am happy I was able to cherish each moment I had with her. I will always remember her sweet baby smiles and the way she looked up at me and talked to me with her sweet baby babble. I will remember these times on her first day of school and her first heartbreak.  I will think of these moments when she is sixteen and tells me she hates me because I won't let her out of the house in that skirt that's too short. I will remember her baby giggles when I walk her down the aisle at her wedding. 

I am overcome with joy and pride at the AMAZING toddler she has become and can't wait to see what's next. Each day, hour, minute, second I spend with her is a gift and I truly treasure it. Like I've said before, and I'll say it again, our future is bright! 

To everyone out there who has mad whee first year of life so amazing, I thank you. From the bottom of my heart I thank you. I could not have survived this year without so much support and love. Charlotte is so loved, my heart is full. Never under estimate anything you do, ever. I appreciate all the big things, but I appreciate the small ones just as much. Every kind word that has been said to me and Charlotte, every meal I've been given, every small gesture has meant the world to us. My heart is so overwhelmed with joy and love. 

So whatever you're doing (assuming you've read this far) kiss/hug/call/send an email text to whoever is important to you. Charlotte is one and the world is a great and magical place. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


What a weekend we had! Saturday we spent a lot of time taking Charlottes first bday photos! She did not cooperate. At all. She just moves wayyy to much and wanted to touch everything and was moving all over the place, my kid is such a wiggle worm! She is always active and crawls so fast! She did like the cake smash part and ate some yummy cake! Photos to come soon :) I can't believe this kiddo is gonna be one in a few days! It is truly bittersweet. I know my time of baby giggles and babble, baby cuddles and kisses is limited, but I am so happy she is growing so well and can't wait for our adventures together as she grows up, I figure I have at least four more years before she won't kiss me in public haha

This weekend we also went to Leakin Park to check out the free train rides and have a picnic! They were miniature version of real steam engine trains! Check out the train information here!

It sure was fun! Charlotte loved riding the trains
! She sat by herself and only tried to stand up 
once! Yay! She was a big girl! She loved waving
And blowing kisses to everyone as the train ride past

Leakin Park was very nice too and so close to 
Home! We played on the playground which she 
Loved, they had live music and great picnic areas!

The park was free to get into and the train rides
We're also free! It was a fun fun day for all and 
We will go back! We didn't even make it to 
the nature center because she was having 
so much fun on the trains, playground and
Picnicking with her friends! 

If you decide to go to this (they have it 
Every month!) go early!!! We got there right 
about 11 when the trains start and got a 
Parking spot, but it had to have been filled 
By 11:30! They do have an overflow lot you
Just have to be prepared to walk a little bit!

This would definitely be in my top list of free
 things to do with kids in Baltimore! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Beach day!

What a weekend we had! It is starting to feel like summer here in Baltimore and I am loving it! Some people think it's too humid, but I think it is just a reason for a tan and water fun! 

This weekend was great! Charlotte had swim class on Saturday. She loves swim class, never cries & is starting to kick and paddle it's hilarious how uncoordinated she is but she tries so hard! Next Michael Phelps right here! We also went swimming at GGs in her blowup pool, I have a feeling we will be there a lot this summer!

Sunday was Charlottes first "beach" trip! I say beach in quotes because there was no ocean. Anyone that knows me knows how I feel about lakes and bats and things being considered a beach (and my hatred of land locked states!). It was nice nonetheless! 

Well this kid LOVED the sand and the surf! She could have stayed all day if it didn't start getting stormy out! She loved to dig in the sand and put it in one bucket and then another. She loved filling the bucket up with water and playing in that too, I gotta get this kid a water table! 

Her favorite was the water! She freaked out and cried when I made her get out of the water haha she wanted me to let her float on the small waves, giggling all the way! She is just too funny! Loving water is in her genes though! I was a water baby! My mom told me my first trip to the beach as soon as they sat me down I crawled all the way to the water! 

I think Charlotte and I will be spending a lot of time in the water this summer! 

In other news, she is so close to being one, it's crazy and with her two too teeth she looks like a little grown up! 

My side note is: have you ever tried to lather an 11 month old in sunscreen? It's a lot harder than it looks! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Strawberry picking!

What a great weekend we had! Charlotte and I went to Baughers to pick strawberries, pet animals and have lunch! 

I must say, this was one of her all time favorite activities! She loves to put things in baskets/bins/etc and take them out, so this was perfect for her!! She loved it! She loved crawling all over the fields and picking things to put in the bins! 

Baughers in Westminster was so fun and affordable! The berries tastes great as well! Charlotte loved the wagon ride from the market to the field, we will definitely go back! 

She was pooped afterwards, and slept pretty well! 

On Sunday we went to visit aunt Jenna and cousin Holden! She loves playing with him.  We went out to lunch at Mission BBQ, which was delicious and charlotte loves the pulled pork and brisket, but the smoked Turkey was her favorite by far! 

The best part of the weekend was that it was Memorial Day weekend so I had a whole extra day with my little girl, which was awesome! I can't wait to spend every day with her this summer!

Warm weather!

Things are heating up in Baltimore! Charlotte has the funnest sprinkler, so I thought we should test it out. 

I put a tarp down and some toys and let her have at it. She LOVED it! Of course she did, she loves water activities! 

We had a blast and I can't wait for summer! 

Hot air balloons!

   Well it's Monday! My weekend with Charlotte went well! On Friday night we went and checked out the hot air balloon festival at Turf Valley. 

Was a lot of fun! It was an interesting experience going as a single mom. Everyone had to park at the fairgrounds and ride a shuttle over. It was charlottes first time one a school bus! The hard part was carrying her, her bag, the picnic blanket, and her stroller onto the bus at once, by myself. Not to be a jerk, but I really wanted to punch all the happy families, not because they looked so happy, but because they had four hands. What I wouldn't give for an extra set of hands!  We did make it on the bus, getting off was harder, and I was shocked no one helped me, if you see a lady struggling, and you have your hands free, help her. It's nice. 

I had never been to a festival like this but it was worth it! So much fun! We got to walk around, sit with friends, and watch the amazing balloons! We even got to walk through one! They are so big it's amazing! When it got dark they all lit up at the same time and called it the balloon glow! So neat! The shuttle back to the parking lot was much better, the bus driver was a gentleman and out the stroller on the bus for me:) we got home after bedtime, and let me tell you, this kid was exhausted!! She crawled all over turf valley!! 

Saturday was another busy day! We went to swim class and play partners in the morning and an evening walk together! We also made blue berry muffins together! Blue berries are her favorite food. She is such a happy baby! 

Sunday we went to the arbutus arts festival, something I've been going to forever! Charlotte had her first funnel cake ever, and waved at lots of random strangers! We played lots of games in the afternoon together and enjoyed just being at home for once!

Charlotte is growing and changing everyday! Her top teeth finally came through!! Super tiny and can barely see them, but I'm happy for her that they did come through! She is 11 months old now! Crazy crazy! She is in love with any toy that nests and stacks. She is so smart!! She loves puzzles as well. Swinging is probably  her favorite thing, always happy in a swing! She has a hard time playing by herself these days, constantly wants to be with you! She will crawl to whatever you she wants, then carry/push/roll over to you, then pull herself up and sit herself into your lap and play with it in your lap! She is so funny like that. She is very particular about things and easily gets frustrated and upset when she isn't getting what she wants or is having a hard time communicating.  She will be walking any day now for sure!  She loves to walk with you by holding hands and is so proud of herself when she does it! sometimes she refuses to crawl, would rather walk! She can stand on her own now Without holding onto anything longer and longer each day! she is adventurous, but not fearless! she could def walk if she wanted too, but she gets so unsure of herself! she took a few steps from on couch to the other the other day and it was awesome and her face was priceless! it is so hard to believe she is almost a year old! Time flies so quickly! It's so bittersweet! I miss my sweet little peanut love bug, but have loved watching her grow and change, and very much look forward to our future!

Blog errors :(

I just realized several blog posts did not actually publish :( 

I am working in correcting this and getting my posts published to blogger, so our fabulous adventures will be backdated, but still fun to read!