Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's the holiday season!

Fall is here! My favorite Holiday is almost upon us! HALLOWEEN! I can't wait! Lotte and I decorated this weekend for the holidays and took some adorable photos of her in her pumpkin tutu.  Anyone who knows me, knows I love holidays, all of them, and that Halloween is my favorite! I can not wait to share in Lottes first Halloween! It is going to be so much fun!

I have finished three whole weeks of work.  It barely feels like I have been gone.  The biggest difference is that now I try to make the most of my weekends with Lotte and spend as much quality time with her as I can.  We got up super early after little to no sleep last night to go for a walk with her baby friends.  It was really fun and she looked adorable in her sweater. 

We also had family brunch! Lotte loves to be around people, so she had a good time.  Then we were home to play and hang out.  Lotte did NOT nap at all today.  She fell asleep for a few minutes here and there, but nothing substantial.  By the end of the evening she was so fussy, and I could not put her down.  My back was killing me, my frustration level was through the roof.  I put her in her car seat and went to get some dinner, I was hoping the driving would help her, but she just screamed more.  Solution? Let her watch bubble guppies on my phone.  So I had to hold the phone, playing a youtube of bubble guppies with one hand over her car seat, and drive with the other.  It helped for a little bit until we stopped moving when we got home.  I ended up turning out all the lights and putting her in her stroller and pushing it in the house.  That worked until again we stopped moving.  So I decided to let her eat more.  She projectile vomited everywhere, I mean milk even came out of her nose.  A bath later I was able to rock her to sleep, and now she has been asleep for an hour! GLORY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! I love this kid, but sometimes it is hard to do everything all day by yourself, especially on days where she decides NOT to nap even once and fuss all night.  It makes me feel bad because sometimes I feel like I am at a loss, I have no idea what to do, but then she cuddles up and it is amazing.  I love this kid so much.  So many fun things to look forward to.  Tomorrow we are going to check out Storyville and relax together some more before the weekend escapes us!

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