Sadly, a horrible flu outbreak is going around Baltimore these days. I thought I was immune. NOPE! So sick. Luckily Lotte has been well for the most part. She waved at me when I waved at her and it was so awesome, it made me feel a hundred times better!
She also started her swim classes! Boy was she great at swimming! She finally takes after me on one thing, she is going to be a water baby! She was the only baby that didn't cry even once. She seemed a little shocked when she went under water but didn't cry or fuss at all.
Big girl is also pulling herself up on things and standing up on her own (and by on her own, I mean without an adult holding her, just holding onto stationary objects!)
It is going to be a short post tonight because I am still sick and exhausted and I have to get this babygirl to bed!
This is Charlotte's personal message to everyone:
4crgf vujbv vchv v gu78yu crrtbcbbrhrfddvbd;. y hbtnmhb e

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