This past weekend was a busy but awesome weekend. It was a three day weekend, which made it extra special! I love having an extra day with Charlotte, it is such a rare gift, that I try to make the most of it.
On Friday Charlotte got to go to hibachi with our friend, and she had a great time! She tried a lemon and fillet Mignon for the first time!

Such a big girl!! On Saturday she went to her swim class and the melting pot! It was a super busy but fun day! She loves swim class! I like it because it is something that gives us routine, I am learning that staying busy and having a nice routine is good for me. Charlotte is great when we go out, I love to take her places!
On Sunday she had a great time visiting some of my faves from my old job! It was so great to see them, I miss them so much its crazy! My new job is going well, and the people are very nice, but they aren't like my old work family! After visiting them we took advantage of the nice weather and went to GG's to go on the swing she bought Lotte! She also has one for Holden, so I can't wait for the two of them to swing together this summer and make even more memories!
I guess I should also mention, that she watched the ravens game, and they WON! They are going to the Superbowl during her first year of life! I know she won't remember, but I love how happy my city is! She watched fireworks with me after they won and listened to the neighborhood bang pots and pans and scream in joy!
Monday was our day together, we went on a hike in the park and she had her first taste of Taneytown, one of my favorite lunch places! The hike served other purposes, we were checking out the pavilion situation for her FIRST birthday. We hiked to a nice one, but it wasn't near a playground, so we picked the pavilion near the tire park playground. Mark your calendars blog readers, June 16th, we will celebrate one year of life for this amazing little girl!
She is currently teething. It is not pleasant. It breaks my heart. I love Charlotte so much I hate to see her in pain, even though I know it is a natural part of life. She has her two bottom teeth poking through. They are sharp and she hurts me when she eats haha! She is such a big girl, it blows my mind most of the time. I don't know when she grew up. It is such a bittersweet thing. I am happy she is growing and is happy and healthy, but I already miss my little peanut. I hope when she gets older she still loves cuddles...if not she is getting them anyway.
I take time each day to tell her three things I love about her and three things she is good at. I plan to do this everyday of her life. I want her to grow up knowing how special she is and how truly loved she is.
Here is hoping for snow this weekend, I know everyone wants to see a snow bunny Lotte on her sled!!
we need another picture of her with her bunny so everyone can see what a big girl she is.