Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pirate Baby!

Well Charlotte is crawling around all over the house! The good news is that she is still slow enough that I can still take my eye off for a second, but I know that will not last long.  I call her my little peg leg pirate, because she still drags one of her legs.  It is propably one of the cutest things ever!

She is still a waving maniac, and I still get happy and excited every time.  She has two little teeth on the bottom.  She is growing like a weed!

She had a great week since my last post! This weekend we were busy as usual! We had swim class on Saturday and she did GREAT again.  She loves the pool so much, which is great, because I am such a water baby too.  We went shopping for bridal shower decorations and out to lunch with GG and Amanda.  And then Lotte enjoyed some quality time with GG so I could go out for a few hours with other adults.  Other then work, it is very rare I get out of the house with Lotte, and when I do it is to run errands, so it was a nice to enjoy a couple hours of adult time.  Call me a fool, but I still miss her when I'm not with her.  On Sunday Lotte got to meet lots of new babies at a fun play date and got to visit all sorts of people.  She is such a wordly baby. 

Everywhere she goes people just love her! She is such a special baby, I just can't get over it.  I love how happy she is, and how she has no stranger anxiety.  She is social like me. 

She still loves to play with all of her toys.  Her favorite game hasn't changed, she LOVES when you put her down with a bin full of toys.  She really likes to take things out and put them back in.  She really concentrates on things and picks just what she wants.  She is really funny like that.

She is working on her pincer grasp and seems to have it down most of the time.  The good news is she is still meeting all her milestones, the bad news? She can now pick up the smallest piece of dirt or trash off the ground, and where do you think she wants to put it? I used to vacuum once a week, now it has to be much more frequent!

Everyday I can not believe how blessed I am with such an amazing little one.  She is so pretty and smart, I am sometimes overwhelmed.

Valentines Day Pictures:

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