Friday, May 3, 2013


This weekend brought another first for Charlotte! Her first time bowling, and duckpin bowling at that!

It was another relaxing weekend with my love. We had some fun on Saturday duckpin bowling for my grandmothers birthday. Charlotte was a hit as usual! She was crawling around and clapping every time anyone bowled! It was tons of fun and always great to get the fam together!

Charlotte is growing and changing everyday! She is so big and smart I can hardly believe she used to be my little five pound peanut!

Have you heard of peekaboo barn? Well it's a great app! I know it's terrible to ply your child with iPhone apps, but sometimes I need a few minutes in the mornings to get ready for work so inlet her play a game on my phone. It keeps her occupied so I don't have to worry too much while I'm scrambling lol

Anyway it's a fantastic app!! We have all the peekaboos and I highly recommend them, Charlotte has learned great finger isolation skills! Well this week when the pig came up on the screen she showed me the pig on the phone and then picked the pig out of her barnyard animals and handed it to me with the phone! I was pumped she matched animals! She has been really great at putting things into categories and is aware of what things do and where they go! For example if you hand her her shoe she will try to put it on her foot, or your foot hahah! She constantly surprises me and I always get so excited when I see her understanding her world! Her receptive language is amazing, she can follow simple directions and point to some body parts!

Another big step she is taking is her walking! Boy can she cruise around the house with her shopping cart or her dog stand and walk thing at my moms! She also walks very well when you hold her hands. Today while I was in the kitchen doing my meal prep for the week she stood up on my legs and held on to the back of my jeans and every time I took a step she did too. She walked all over the kitchen like that with me, just holding onto my jeans! Her biggest skill she is developing is she is beginning to stand on her own without holding onto anything! It is so excited to see I scream praise and clap every time and she cracks up, sometimes she doesn't know she is doing it and "falls" over, she usually can catch herself, but gets scared. She is developing her confidence and I imagine she'll be walking soon. She can literally pull herself up on any surface even a flat wall!

Where has my baby gone!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Awww! That is precious! I have yet to take my daughter to bowling. Your post gave me an idea for our next day out!

    Here from mombloggersclub! :)
