Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mothers Day!

Well this weekend was my first mother’s day! I cannot express my gratitude to the powers that be, how thankful and lucky I am that I get to call myself a mom. Charlotte is absolutely amazing. I am so lucky and thankful to have her in my life.
My first mother’s day was pretty uneventful I must say. Charlotte didn’t cook me breakfast or let me sleep in, no one gave me jewelry or flowers, I didn’t go to out to eat a fancy dinner, I wasn’t pampered at the spa or showered with gifts. But mother’s day was still amazing. The amazing thing is that I get to call myself a mother.
You watch all these t.v. commercials for jewelry and spa trips and tips to “spoil mom on mothers day” and you watch sitcoms of kids bringing their mom breakfast in bed on the cutest bed tray with a flower (does anyone out there actually have these breakfast in bed trays in real life?) and none of them matter on mother’s day when you’re a mother. What is important is spending time with your children (or in my case, my amazingly awesome baby girl). Mother’s day to me was about reflecting on being a mother and what that means to me.
I should start by saying that I am awfully lucky to be a mom. Not everyone who wants to be a mother is blessed in this way, and I am learning to thank my lucky stars every day that I was chosen to be Charlotte’s mother. On mother’s day I took extra time for cuddles and extra time for kisses. I took extra time for giggles and smiles. It was nice just to reflect on the amazing child that I made and have been raising. I am proud of the job I am doing and I am loving every minute I get to spend with her…seriously even those, three o’clock in the morning and I just want to sleep moments.
In my first eleven months being a mom, I have learned the following key points that EVERY new mom should know:
· It’s not easy…the sitcoms lied!
· It’s not pretty…there will be a point in your life where your child has poop from their ankle to their neck, and you have not slept or showered in over 24 hours
· Nothing works out the way you planned or pictured…so although difficult, try not to plan too much, it takes away from the crazy fun days ahead.
· It is important to take time to laugh and smile with your baby, the toys can be cleaned up later…seriously
· It is not easy or glamorous keeping a tiny human alive and well. In fact, your hair will never look the same and your eyes will have permanent bags underneath them, and you would trade your entire handbag AND shoe collection for two hours of uninterrupted sleep.
· Don’t feel pressured to listen to everyone else’s advice…you know your baby better than anyone, seriously you do.
· You have no idea what you’re doing (it’s ok no one else does either!)
· DON’T WORRY!!! You got this shit yo.
Each mother’s day I will take time to reflect on the things I have learned about being a mom and take time to remember the moments that year that I will treasure always. Each smile, each laugh, each hug and kiss…they go in the vault. I have never felt more blessed on mother’s day before. I could not imagine my life without Charlotte, even though it wasn’t that long ago that she wasn’t in my life. She is here now and although some days it is hard, it is always worth it. Although some days I have no sleep or no food, it doesn’t matter, because I am happy just to be with her.
I have no idea who actually reads this blog. Apparently someone does, because Google tells me how many views it has had. To whoever reads this blog, if you were one of the people who sent me a card, a text, a Facebook post, an email on mother’s day, I’d like to thank you. Your kind words mean more than you know. Life is funny that way. The people you expect to send cards and messages, don’t, and then out of the blue you are overwhelmed with support from others (mostly other mothers, who understand what being a mother is about and how special mother’s day is J) Seriously though you guys. It is nice to be told you’re doing a good job. It is not something I hear very often, and in the middle of the night when I am awake with a screaming poopy baby am all alone and have no idea what I am doing, I think back to the nice things people have said to me and the cards and messages I have received and remind myself, that I am in fact doing a great job, and that there are other mother’s out there who are likely also awake, listening to screaming and cleaning up poop. Although it isn’t the most glamorous job out there, it is the BEST job.
I know it isn’t mother’s day right now, but if you have a mom, know a mom, etc, say something nice to them. Seriously. Go do it. If you are a mom….you fucking rock. Seriously.

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