Saturday, November 24, 2012

Noisy Girl!

Charlotte is growing and growing! Today we got into the Christmas spirit.  We finished putting up the Christmas decorations and went down to see Santa's arrival in Arbutus.  We walked around the train garden and watched The Grinch on the outside movie screen.  She had fun strolling around in her B.O.B.  Santa came in on the fire truck as usual! It was too cold today to wait outside for her to sit on his lap, so I am going to take her back there soon to get her picture with Santa.  I hope it goes well, or at least gives me an embarrassing picture to show her in the future!

She is such a smart little girl.  She learns new sounds all the time.  It is amazing and annoying.  She is rarely ever quiet, especially when we are home.  Usually when she is out and about or around someone she isn't as comfortable with she is more quiet, but at home she lets loose! I call her my little beat box! She loves to make fart noises with her mouth.  Lately she has learned this really high pitch squeal.  I have no idea where she learned it, but it is insanely annoying.  Annoying AND cute, because she is SO happy and proud of herself when she does it!

Because it is so cute, it makes it much less annoying, and when she learns to make a new sound it is actually pretty amazing.  I think she is going to have the gift of gab!

Also, if anyone is still reading, I'd like to thank everyone out there in blog land.  I get messages on minimum a weekly basis, but usually more.  Everyone who reads my blog says such nice things to me, and you all have no idea how much they mean.  Some days it is very lonely just me and Charlotte, and some days I doubt my ability as a mom and even doubt my ability as a human to function (esp. after all my recent injuries lol).  But Charlotte keeps me going.  You guys also keep me going.  It really means a lot to me when I get messages about how cute Charlotte is or what a good job I am doing, or how loved both me and Charlotte are.  Your thoughts, prayers, and kind words are nourishment for my soul.  When my nights are dark, I remember the support and love Lotte and I have and it keeps me going.  I know it seems small, but the nice words and the time people have taken to text me, comment, send me an email of fb message really keep me going and are a big deal to me, they help me stay grounded and I believe help me to be a better mom.  It takes a village right?

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