Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tilted planter

Charlotte and I had a great weekend! We made the most of the nice weather with the trolley trail hike and then decided to do some yard work! I decided to try out another pin I saw!

I wanted to spruce up the backyard, so I decided to plant some flowers. I saw this great tilted flower planter and decided to make it! It was simple, easy and fast, so if you like it make one of your own! Of course it was inexpensive to make as well!

First gather your materials. You will need rebar, I bought the two foot size for $1.79 at Home Depot. Then I got one medium sized planter for $1.50 and five smaller ones for $1.25! Home Depot had some good deals! You will also need some pitting soil and flowers/plants of your choice! I bought pansies because they were pretty and $0.88 each!

First get your rebar into the ground. I just hit mine with a hammer until it got far enough in to be stable. I'm sure there is a better way, but this worked for me!

Next out in your medium pot level with the ground & fill with the potting soil. Then grab the smaller ones and start to thread them into the rebar too, tilt each one and then fill with your potting soil. After you have it to height you can plant and water your flowers! Done!

I had to hammer my rebar into the ground a little further after threading all my pits onto it so it wouldn't show, but it was very easy. Just make sure your tilting your pots the right way! The pin I saw had spray painted pots, I however have did not have the time and personally like the terra cotta look, so so what you will :) easy to make and an adorable accessory for my yard! I had the best yard work helper too who loved the sunlight!

Happy gardening and I hope your helper is as cute and happy as mine :)


  1. This turned out so good, Jess! I am going to make one this weekend :)

  2. The planter is super cute! And so is Charlotte, of course.
