Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break & Easter come to an End.

Well, I had ten glorious days off of work, in a row! It was amazing to be able to spend that time with Charlotte.  We didn't take a vacation or do anything that special, but it was amazing for what it was.  Charlotte and I got to enjoy our mornings together and leisurely eat breakfast.  We got to go for walks in the neighborhood and to our library for baby boosters and visited Storyville.  We got to visit with her cousin Holden and do some shopping and we got to nap together, and generally just enjoy being at home during the day!

It is so luxurious being home during the day.  I don't know if anyone out there gets to do their grocery shopping during a weekday, but it is AWESOME.  There are parking spots, and no crowds, and no rude jerks.  It is totally different from after work hours and weekends.  It pretty much rocked my socks.  I really think my favorite part was getting out of bed around seven and actually sitting down and having breakfast with my Lots.  My dreams of being a stay at home mom at least part time did not pan out due to circumstances, but I have the next best thing.  Spring Break, Winter Break and Summer Vacation! I had amazing time spending ten whole days with Charlotte in a row.  This is something I have not been able to do since I returned from maternity leave.  I am looking forward to Summer Vacation more than ever.  I love watching her grow and play and truly cherish the time I get to spend with her.  I know these times will go fast, so I want to soak up as much as I can!

In other news, Charlotte had a GREAT first Easter.  We had a big family meal and she got to see her bestie Holden.  She was spoiled with gifts from everyone! On Easter morning her Easter basket was waiting for her from the Easter bunny! She got bubbles and a giggle gang doll! I filled all her little eggs with her Gerber puffs and she had a blast shaking them and then getting them out to eat.  She is so animated these days.  She moves so quick too! At my moms house during the Easter dinner she was zipping around the floor so quickly no one could tell where she was haha! She also got to swing at GG's which she LOVES.  She is a sucker for a park and a swing, but who isn't? She is such a joy to be around, everyone loves hanging out with her because she is always laughing and having fun exploring. 

Charlotte likes to be left to her own devices these days.  She loves to organize things, put them in boxes and take them out.  She likes to group like objects in specific areas and will move them around until the are arranged the way she likes.  After she is done she will look at you for approval and smile and laugh when you clap.  It is adorable! She also loves to share! She is constantly handing me things and smiling and laughing when I say and sign thank you! She is growing so quickly, but I love every minute of it!


  1. She had a good time at MiMi's too. She loved my mashed potatoes and she got to eat them with the baby spoon that was her PopPops. Aunt Janis sat on the floor and played with us too! Other then some stranger anxiety and a "bubble nose" a good time was had by all.

  2. she had a good time at MiMi's too, she shared some mashed potatoes and ate them with her PopPop's baby spoon (yes,that would be an antique!)and played with her Great Aunt Janis. Other than some initial stranger anxiety she had a fine time!
