Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's almost Christmas!

Christmas is right around the corner! And let me tell you, Lotte is already so spoiled! I know I've said it before, but I love that she is so loved, by all.  I get so much joy out of my time with her, but you never know if she is just awesome to me, because she's my baby girl, but clearly she is just the bomb dot com, because everyday a new gift comes her way and people want to see her!

What has she been up to these days you ask? Don't worry, I'll fill you in! Well she loves opening presents, but really I think she just likes ripping the paper then trying to eat it! I was reading one of my baby books and it says this month, she will begin to have "favorite" toys.  Apparently plastic bags are her favorite toys, even though I have showed her repeatedly that all of the bags say "this is not a toy" right on them.  She refuses to believe me!

She is still such a grabber! She now reaches for exactly what she wants.  She has started to fuss when she gets bored and wants her toys changed up.  She is also really in to throwing her toys just out of her reach.  This is somewhat my fault! She did it by accident when she couldn't hold onto things and I said "uh-oh spaghettio" and she laughed, and I did it a few more times, so now that is her favorite game haha.  She really likes peek-a-boo as well, so that is always hilarious! At Gymboree yesterday they had a parachute, she LOVED that thing.  It was pretty exciting. 

She is starting to eat more and more foods which is fun to watch.  She really likes everything.  I think she prefers the fruits to the vegetables, so she must take after Adam in that way instead of me haha. On the 17th she went to her doctors appointment, weighing in at a little over 13 pounds, the doctor told me she FINALLY made it onto the growth chart (bottom 5% of course).  But he is pleased with her growth rate.  If you have ever eaten around Lotte you know that she likes to eat whatever you are eating.  The doctor gave us the go ahead to give her a little bit of people food.  Nothing crazy big obviously, no nuts or shellfish, and that type of thing.  I was eating sweet potatoes the other night and gave her a bite.  She also had some pineapple, which she loved!

The other thing she is really into these days? Moovin' and Groovin'! The best part is that she grunts like a tennis player when she tries to stand up on her own or crawl.  It is hilarious haha! She is working on becoming completely mobile, so we'll see when she just takes off on her own!

It feels like just yesterday I was bringing my little peanut home and now she is so active and movin around on her own.  It's hard to believe that just a couple months ago, I could barely get her to eat, and now she puts everything in her mouth and trys every food! I love being her mom, I am so proud of her, and proud of myself for doing such a good job.  Every day presents a new Challenger, but I feel like I am handling everything well, and I am happy with the life that is being created for her! Enjoy the montage of Lotte opening gifts! She is too cute!

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