Thursday, December 6, 2012

The curious incident of the toilet paper at shower time...

I don't know about most working moms, but this working mom doesn't always have time to give the baby her own bath every night.  Charlotte and I worked out a great system.  She loves to shower with me! She is actually starting to get to big for it, but it works great, so I will hate to retire it!

Anyway, our system is get in the shower, wash ms. Lotte pants, and then bundle her up and let her play on the floor while I take a few minutes to wash my hair and such.  Thanks to CGT I have mastered the fine art of a quick quick shower.  Anyway, tonight when I was in the shower, I heard her laughing and doing her happy I think great, she's having a ball, I can take the time to shave my legs...then I peak out of the current and find that she has unrolled half of the brand new toilet paper roll all over the place! It was hilarious! I couldn't resist taking pictures, I have so much fun with this little one and she brings me so much joy, sadly I will have to find a new way to shower. ugh.


  1. You don't have to change your routine, just remove the roll of toilet paper from its holder BEFORE you shower!

  2. I also thought about doing that, but our bathroom is SO tiny, that now that she is mobile she will find something else to get into, so I def need a new plan lol
