Sunday, December 2, 2012

She just keeps growing!

I thought I would start with some pictures! I have been taking Lotte's monthly pictures but haven't been posting them! I haven't taken the six months picture yet, but I thought I would share her newborn picture and her five month picture! It is insane how much my tiny peanut has grown.

Lotte, Home from the hospital, about a week old:
Lotte a few days over five months old! She has grown so much: 
Lotte turned 24 weeks old on Thursday!  These last six months have been so crazy and amazing.  She is eating baby food and sitting up by herself.  She is still not sleeping through the night, but thanks for asking ;) I can't believe how amazingly wonderful life with Charlotte is.  Some days it is really hard, but overall it is amazing. 
I haven't posted since last weekend, but this past week and weekend have been great.  Charlotte does something different every day.  She is now becoming very mobile.  I guess I will have to start baby proofing the house sometime soon.  She can sit up all on her own.  She doesn't last too long, she is more of a supported sitter haha.  She also has been reaching for things she wants.  If you place them just out of her reach she will work hard to get to them.  She rolls from her back to her stomach, but soon realizes she is voluntarily participating in tummy time, which she hates, so she instantly flips back over to her back and does a little baby crab walk scooch thing to reach what she wants.  It is amazing the things such a tiny human can do. 
Things have been so busy these days and I have been sick, so I am utterly exhausted.  I had planned to get my haircut this weekend, a feat that has not been accomplished since three months since before Lotte was born, but sadly my sitter plans fell through.  I think I will have to start taking people up on their offers to help.  Although I love my little girl more then the entire world, I think that I have take more time for myself.  It is impossible to do things mostly by myself anymore.  I was lucky enough that her GG volunteered to babysit so that I could go out for a couple hours Saturday night to celebrate Katie's big 3-0! It was fun, but I hate asking GG to babysit all the time, she already picks Lotte up from daycare three days a week and is really my go to person for help, sometimes I feel like I rely to much on her. 
It is a weird feeling.  I know I should ask for help, but I hate putting other people out for my own selfish needs.  I mean I don't really NEED a haircut (and probably shouldn't spend the money).  I am working on becoming more of a selfless person, but it's hard...I have split ends and I hate them! I hope I am doing the best I can for Lotte and I know I say it in every post, but I really want her to have the best life possible.  One of the mom lessons I learned is that you can no longer be selfish when you have a child.  So that is what I am working on, trying to get rid of my selfish tendencies.  I mean at the end of the day, you all will be the ones that have to look at me with bad hair, so it really is your loss haha!
I did not finish Charlotte's laundry this weekend; one of my only goals lol.  I need to set aside sometime during the week to organize her room and do all of her laundry, it is a little out of control.  Weeknights are so hard for me, by the time I get out of work, get to GG's to pick her up and get home, it's usually about 6:30 and at that point, it's all I can do to make dinner, feed, bathe and get the baby ready for bed before passing out, so adding another chore into the equation is a thought that makes me shake in my boots.  But I know it needs to be done, so I just have to buckle down and do it.  I really need to work on my motivation level.  Usually the best time to get things done is when she is sleeping, but I hate to waste those precious hours on chores, when I could be relaxing or sleeping myself.  Such is life I guess.  It definitely gives me a newfound respect for parents of babies all over the world. 

In other news I did finally make it to Costco to get some groceries and baby formula.  I purchased two cans of formula thinking I'd "stock up" (any parent knows that only lasts a few weeks or so haha).  So I budgeted my money, put back several of my personal indulgences (marinated mozzarella, I will miss you) and bought my items.  I made it to the car, and as always I parked the cart with my paid for goods right in front of my trunk.  I then went to the side of the car to get Lotte out of her baby bjorn and strapped into her car seat so I could put my groceries away.  When I went to the cart, I noticed the baby formula was GONE! Both cans had disappeared! I heard people talking and walking by, but it was a Sunday afternoon, Costco was SO busy that I didn't think anything of it! I can not believe someone stole it :( So I loaded the groceries, then got Lotte back out of her car seat and went back to the store.  I spoke with the people in charge, but they could not give me a replacement or a refund.  I was so mad!!!!! Two of the people I talked to were nice about it, and just explained why they could not refund my money, but one was a complete jerk and blamed me over and over again.  I had a tired hungry baby, and the store was packed with lots of free sample grubbers, so I didn't argue with her, I just paid double, which sucks.  The mean lady wouldn't even tell me her name, she kept covering up her name tag, I even asked for the manager twice and she refused, seriously who is a jerk to someone carrying a baby that just got infant formula stolen from them in their parking lot?! If it was quieter in there or Lotte wasn't with me I would have asked for her boss, but I needed to get my items and go! I really hope whoever took it, really actually needed it and wasn't just being a jerk.  Although it sucks for me, and is scary that I got "robbed" while sitting in the car buckling Lotte in, if someone needed it for their sweet baby, I'm glad they took it.  I'm out $40, but at least I can afford to replace it, and at least they didn't take my string cheese (my go to breakfast haha!)  I hope there is a healthy happy FAT baby out there :)
Charlotte has finally drifted off while I typed this, so I'm off to take advantage of it! I feel a nice shower and SLEEP coming on, it's ten o'clock she is due to be up around one, so I shall sleep while I can.  Good night blog world, and if I don't say it enough, thanks to all those who read it, and all those who send me the amazing messages of support.  On the hard days, it really helps me get by!

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