Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Baby changes.

So someone sent me this article:

It is how having a baby is like going back to high school.  I encourage you to read it.  It is true for the most part.  It gives eight reasons.  The reasons I can most relate to are about making new friends, staying up late and food. 

My stupid doctor keeps telling me I need to eat well balanced meals because I am breastfeeding.  Again, people who tell you that you need to eat well after having a baby, either never had a newborn or forgot what its like.  It is almost impossible to find time to cook.  And when I do, you can be sure I am only cooking one thing, not a bunch of things to make it "well balanced".  Luckily for me, I have friends and family who love to cook for me, YES!

Making new friends? SO TRUE! First let me start by saying I LOVE my friends, but I hardly have time for happy hour and all I can drink mimosa brunches anymore (although that does sound lovely right now).  Also, I have no idea what I am doing as a mom.  Every decision I make I question.  I have no idea if I am doing a good job or raising her right.  I have no idea if the things she does are normal.  I am sure her pediatrician gets sick of my calls, and I only trust google so much.  I am so lucky that I met some other new moms in the neighborhood to ask advice of or even to just text to say, hey does your daughter do this too? Every new mom should have a support group of other moms.  If you know a new mom that doesn't have as support group, send her my way.

Staying up late? If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know my middle of the night woes.  I am so annoyed I am going to start work on Monday and she still wakes up every three hours!

Clothing woes? Can definitely relate! Everything is either too big or too small, nothing fits and I'm too poor from buying millions of diapers to buy anything new to wear.

My favorite one is the "Mom Types"! There are definitely mom cliques.  Every time I am anywhere and I see a mom with a baby I know exactly what type of mom they are.  So hilarious!

A good read for any new mom and so relateable.  Reading things like this is so helpful.  It lets me know I am not alone.  I just hope I am doing the best I can for Lotte!

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