Monday, September 17, 2012

Poop Emergency!

Well, this week is off to a shitty start, literally! This morning I got Lotte dressed and ready to go then sat her in her boppy to play while I attempted to get ready, and then when I picked her up, I noticed she had poop all over her leg, which in turn got all over me.  So after a costume change for both of us we were ready to finish up our morning routine. 

Sadly, things just got worse.  I forgot to put one of the nipples in the bottle that I made and ended up spilling milk everywhere.  I hated wasting the breastmilk.  I spend so much time pumping I hate to waste it.  It was like watching precious gold go down the sink.  This is another area of frustration for me.  I pump and pump and work and still do not get enough.  I pack her twelve ounces of milk for daycare, but only end up pumping about seven while Im at work.  It is extremely frustrating and difficult.  I hate feeling like I can't feed my baby.

On top of it all work was crazy today.  Pumping is super annoying, but gets even worse when I'm interrupted at work.  Drives me nuts.  I still haven't gotten the hang of this working thing.  Im just not as good at it as I used to be.  I hate being late to work.  I think being late is rude and unprofessional.  I have yet to be on time for work.  Today I was super late due to my above incidents.  The worst part is that on the way out the door, I had my four bags, the carseat carrier and my keys in my hands (this is how it always is, I have my breast pump, my work bag, the diaper bag and her lunchbox filled with bottles, I am getting better at being able to carry all these items) and I tripped and almost went down, but my skirt was caught on the door, so I didn't fall, but my skirt ripped.  I really didn't feel like having a third costume change so I just went to work....late and not put together.  It is really hard for me, it's unlike me not to be put together. 

The good news is that the day got 100% better.  I picked up my amazing little girl from my moms house and she was happy and smiley.  She even got a free sweater that GG knitted her! This little girl is loving the homemade clothes! One of my neighbors who has a daughter three months older then Lotte made me a fantastic dinner.  It was so nice to come home and not have to worry about cooking or anything.  AWESOME! Then I of course spent lots of time cuddling and loving Lotte.  We spent lots of time dancing around the living room.  She is such a happy and fun baby, I am so happy when I get home from work and get to enjoy our time together. 

This is Lotte in her fall sweater knitted by GG, taken today, she is such a big girl these days!

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